AIHA fact sheet addresses PPE for engineered nanoparticles

Photo: Andrey Prokhorov/iStockphoto
Washington – The American Industrial Hygiene Association has published a fact sheet that aims to improve safety for workers in the nanotechnology industry.
The fact sheet, Personal Protective Equipment for Engineered Nanoparticles, was sponsored by AIHA’s Nanotechnology Working Group and approved Oct. 24 by its board of directors.
Topics covered include a general overview; Hierarchy of Controls; PPE effectiveness; PPE type; and other considerations such as PPE removal, reuse and disposal. According to AIHA, supervisors and workers involved in engineered nanoparticles should be trained to:
AIHA notes that PPE “is the last line of defense” and should be used when other controls are not feasible or effective, or as supplemental protection to other control measures.
- Understand the need for properly fitting PPE and which tasks require which PPE.
- Know the correct way to don, adjust, wear and remove PPE to avoid contamination.
- Realize the limitations of PPE and when to use new PPE.
- Grasp how to inspect, store, maintain, decontaminate and dispose PPE.