How to install the Family Safety & Health news widget on your intranet

How to install the Family Safety & Health magazine news widget on your intranet

Give employees direct access to the latest home and community safety news

Here's an easy way to put the latest news briefs from Family Safety & Health magazine in front of all employees – right from the pages of your organization's intranet.

It's a extra benefit for current subscribers only, so we'll need to provide you with new code each year on or around January 1. The code may be used only on a closed employee intranet, not on any public web page.

Instructions for embedding the widget in a sidebar on your site

Hand off these instructions to the people who maintain your intranet pages. They will understand what to do. The installation process is a one-time operation. The Family Safety & Health magazine staff will take care of updates on our end, and your employees will see links to fresh safety news every week or two without further effort on your part until the code changes in January.

For the sidebar widget displayed on the right, paste the following code in the HTML source in the position on the page where you want the widget to appear:


This news feed is rendered by Feedwind, a third-party service. The widget is designed to widen or contract to fit into most any sidebar, though the optimal width is about 300px. If your website maintainers would like to modify settings, they can refer to the Feedwind documentation, or contact FamilySafety&, and we may be able to help.

Let us know

Please get in touch to tell us if you have installed the widget on your intranet. That way, we can contact you about any revisions and let you know when the new year's code is available to install. Email

Click an arrow near the headline to scroll to the next news article. Click on the headline or photo to read the full article.
Would you like to use the magazine's feature article or news brief content in a print newsletter or in another form? Contact us to discuss licensing options: FamilySafety& or (800) 621-7619.
Version 1.1, August 2020