Items Tagged with 'Workers' compensation'


workers' comp

Workers' comp 'option' under fire

Oklahoma’s controversial law on opt-out plans is ruled unconstitutional, but the final word is yet to come
An Oklahoma law allowing employers the option to “opt out” of traditional workers’ compensation was ruled unconstitutional. But the fight is far from over, and a decision in the state’s Supreme Court could set a precedent for the rest of the nation.
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Occasionally, someone says something I find noteworthy. In today’s post, the Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation Commission doesn’t mince words regarding a controversial workers’ comp law.
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workers' comp

The workers’ comp option

Will more states start adopting workers’ compensation opt-out plans?
A growing number of stakeholders support an alternative to workers’ compensation. It’s known as “the option,” and proponents claim it can lower costs and return injured employees to the job sooner. But critics of the option say it could do more harm than good.
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Federal Employees’ Compensation Act reform

Lawmakers seek to amend the federal workers’ compensation system. Can they strike a fair balance?
The Federal Employees’ Compensation Act has had no significant changes for 40 years. Now, policymakers and politicians are debating how to balance appropriate use of taxpayer funds with ensuring injured workers receive appropriate benefits.
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