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New video: Protecting communication tower workers from extreme temps

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Photo: National Association of Tower Erectors

Watertown, SD – The National Association of Tower Erectors has produced a safety video about the extreme weather conditions that communication tower workers may encounter on the job.

Only a few minutes of exposure to extreme heat or cold can result in injury or death. The video discusses symptoms and treatment for heat and cold stress, as well as the conditions of heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, hypothermia and frostbite.

“The importance of watching out for your co-workers and being aware of the symptoms cannot be overstated as it’s critical that all workers understand the risks and symptoms related to both hot and cold working conditions in order to stay safe,” Brian Wyman, director of safety and compliance at HPC Wireless Services, said in a press release.

NATE released the video as part of its Climber Connection campaign, which promotes safe work practices for tower workers. The association also has created videos about personal protective equipment inspection and worker professionalism.

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