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Washington — The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is asking for comments on petitions seeking to restore California’s and Washington state’s rules on meal and rest breaks for commercial truck and bus drivers.
Washington — Citing high-profile transit incidents in which worker fatigue played a role, the Federal Transit Administration is considering minimum standards for hours of service and fatigue risk management programs for the industry.
Washington — Temporary hours-of-service exemptions and other regulatory relief for truckers during regional emergency declarations will be limited under a recently published Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration final rule.
Washington — The Truck Safety Coalition is calling on the Department of Transportation to make automatic emergency braking and speed-limiting devices a requirement on commercial trucks and buses.
Washington — The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is requesting public comment on a proposed rule that would “narrow the scope” of temporary hours-of-service exemptions and other regulatory relief for truckers during emergency declarations.
San Diego — Several safety-related issues earned a spot on the American Transportation Research Institute’s recently released list of top trucking industry concerns.
Washington — The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is asking industry stakeholders for input on “ways to improve the clarity of current regulations on the use of electronic logging devices and address certain concerns about the technical specifications.”