Federal agencies Review committees

OSHRC seeks comment on draft of Strategic Plan

Occupational Safety and Health Commission Review

Washington – The Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission is seeking comments on a draft of its 2018-2022 Strategic Plan.

The commission released the draft Sept. 22, little more than a month after Heather MacDougall was sworn in as its new chair.

OSHRC outlines four major goals in the draft:

  • Resolve cases quickly and fairly
  • Ensure better transparency via an improved website and broadened outreach activities to the regulated community
  • Promote “organizational excellence” through training and awareness of OSHRC’s mission, along with recruiting and investing in a “highly motivated, talented and diverse workforce”
  • Manage agency resources in a “trustworthy” way with an annual budget and performance plan, an ethical culture, and improved technology

The draft also addresses external factors that could affect the plan, and gives a brief overview of the plan’s development, its next steps and how OSHRC will evaluate its programs. Comments are due by Nov. 17.

OSHRC is an independent federal agency created by the Occupational Safety and Health Act to rule on disputes of citations or penalties that result from OSHA inspections.

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