Federal agencies Review committees Transportation Transportation

FMCSA renews charter for Medical Review Board


Washington — The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has renewed the charter for the Medical Review Board, according to a notice published in the Dec. 7 Federal Register.

Established in 2005, MRB is a five-member federal advisory committee that provides advice and recommendations to the Secretary of Transportation and the FMCSA administrator on medical standards and guidelines for the physical qualifications of commercial motor vehicle operators, medical examiner education and research.

Among its recent actions, MRB – along with the Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee – proposed screening and treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. FMCSA and the Federal Railroad Administration issued an advance notice of proposed rulemaking on March 8, 2016, to begin addressing OSA, but the ANPRM was withdrawn on Aug. 4.

The MRB charter renewal began Nov. 25 and expires after two years, the notice states.

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