Advisory committees Federal agencies Transportation

OSHA renews charter for maritime advisory committee

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Washington — OSHA has renewed the two-year charter for its Maritime Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health.

The agency published the charter renewal in the Dec. 14 Federal Register – four days after the deadline to nominate new MACOSH members.

The 15-member committee advises the secretary of labor on matters relating to occupational safety and health programs, enforcement, new initiatives, and standards for the maritime industry, which includes shipyard employment, longshoring, marine terminal, commercial fishing and shipbreaking, among others.

Committee members are appointed by the secretary of labor and represent the perspectives of employers, employees, safety and health professional organizations, government organizations with interests or activities related to the maritime industry, academia, and the public, the Federal Register notice states.

MACOSH has not met since Aug. 10, 2016, according to meeting minutes posted on OSHA’s website. The most recent charter expired Jan. 20.

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