Federal agencies Bus/limo/taxi Trucking Transportation

FMCSA, NHTSA seek comment on ADS-equipped vehicles

Photo: mspoint/iStockphoto

Washington — The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration are requesting public comment on two advance notices of proposed rulemaking regarding the integration of vehicles equipped with automated driving systems.

FMCSA’s ANPRM, published in the May 28 Federal Register, focuses on existing regulations that would need to be amended, revised or eliminated to introduce ADS-equipped commercial trucks and buses. The administration is particularly interested in comments on the requirements of human drivers; commercial driver’s license endorsements; hours-of-service rules; medical qualifications; distracted driving; safe driving; inspection, repair and maintenance; roadside inspections; and cybersecurity.

“We know that while many of these technologies are still in development, it is critical that we carefully examine how to make federal rules keep up with this advancing technology,” FMCSA Administrator Raymond Martinez said in a May 22 press release.

Meanwhile, NHTSA is seeking input on the short- and long-term challenges of testing and verifying compliance with existing crash-avoidance standards for ADS vehicles, which do not have traditional manual controls that a human driver would use, such as a steering wheel and brake pedals.


“One of the department’s priorities is to prepare for the future by engaging with new technology while addressing legitimate public concerns about safety, security and privacy, without hampering innovation,” Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao said in the release.

The comment period for the ANPRM from FMCSA ends Aug. 26. NHTSA’s comment period closes July 29.

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