Federal agencies Hearing conservation

NIOSH calls for nominations for Safe-in-Sound awards


Photo: NIOSH

Washington — NIOSH is accepting nominations for the 2020 Safe-in-Sound Excellence in Hearing Loss Prevention Awards, which honor professionals who contribute to preventing noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus through effective practices or innovations.

The awards are presented in two categories: Excellence and Innovation. Excellence, according to NIOSH, honors employers who go above and beyond to ensure the safety of workers’ hearing by implementing exemplary hearing loss prevention. The Innovation category recognizes organizations or individuals who exhibit dedication to fostering, creating and implementing unique new evidence-based advances in hearing loss prevention. The award also honors the creation of innovative solutions to workplace hearing loss prevention challenges.

The nomination deadline is July 15.


In 2019, NIOSH presented the award to Navy researcher Kurt Yankaskas. Yankaskas oversees a portfolio that developed innovative approaches to help reduce noise exposure among naval personnel.

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