Advisory committees Federal agencies Construction Construction

OSHA construction advisory committee, work groups schedule public teleconferences

Photo: Rattankun Thongbun/iStockphoto

Washington — Two OSHA Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health work groups are set to conduct separate public teleconferences June 30, one day before the full committee is scheduled to meet.

According to a notice published in the June 1 Federal Register, the Education, Training and Outreach work group’s teleconference on trench safety and fall prevention is slated for noon Eastern, followed by the Emerging and Current Issues work group’s teleconference on opioids and suicides in construction at 3 p.m.

A full ACCSH teleconference is scheduled for noon Eastern July 1. Planned agenda topics include an agency update as well as updates on silica in construction and ACCSH’s consideration of a proposal to amend the design and construction requirements of OSHA’s powered industrial trucks standards.


Comments and requests to speak are due June 25. The teleconferences previously were scheduled as in-person meetings for April 28-29, but were postponed.

ACCSH advises the Department of Labor and OSHA on upcoming standards affecting the construction industry and “the administration of safety and health provisions” in the Construction Safety Act.

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