Showcases/Literature guides 2021 Corporate profiles

Corporate Profile: Biomist Inc.


Uncontrolled pathogens are responsible for thousands of lost lives and cost billions of dollars to economies every year. The need for more efficient, effective and faster sanitation methods was identified almost 20 years ago, and the first safe method for power-spraying concentrated alcohol was developed. Founded in 2001, Biomist manufactures cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting systems used to kill pathogens in commercial, institutional and industrial workplaces. The company is now located in Wheeling, IL, and has established its reputation for offering advanced, high-quality and durable sanitizing solutions to North America.

Committed to quality, Biomist is an FDA-registered medical device manufacturer whose products have been tested and approved by UL and Intertek. We constantly innovate new processes and sanitizing technologies through research and development without compromise.

Our goal is to offer unique products to create cleaner, healthier working and learning environments.

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