
Help kids stay safe around fireplaces

Photo: FatCamera/iStockphoto

Springtime temperatures can average between 45⁰ F and 69⁰ F for a large portion of the country. The perfect solution to that lingering chill in the air? A warm fire and a cozy blanket.

Fireplaces can be hazardous for children, however. According to Safe Kids Worldwide, three children visit emergency rooms every day for burns related to fireplaces. Help keep your kids safe by following these tips:

  • Don’t let them touch the glass on gas fireplaces. The glass can get extremely hot (about 500⁰ F) and can take more than an hour to cool after a fire is turned off.
  • Set up a safety screen or gate around your fireplace. These help keep kids away from the hazard.
  • Is your gas fireplace powered by a remote control? Keep the remote out of reach of kids.
  • Call 911 immediately if your child is hurt in a fireplace-related incident.

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