Inspections Bus/limo/taxi Trucking Transportation

Annual brake inspection blitz places about 1 out of 8 commercial vehicles out of service

Photo: Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance

Greenbelt, MD — Commercial motor vehicle inspectors across North America conducted 35,764 brake system inspections and identified 4,295 vehicles – or 12% – with out-of-service conditions during the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s annual Brake Safety Week, the organization announced recently.

The outreach and enforcement campaign was conducted Aug. 22-28 and comprised 52 jurisdictions – including 50 in the United States and Canada – according to CVSA. The event involved both announced and unannounced brake system inspections.

A separate data query from participating jurisdictions reported 5,667 brake hose chafing violations.


“Properly functioning brakes may mean the difference between a catastrophic collision or the ability to avoid a crash,” CVSA President John Broers said in a press release.

Scheduled during Brake Safety Awareness Month, the event is part of CVSA’s Operation Airbrake campaign – conducted in partnership with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators, and Mexico’s National Guard and Ministry of Communications and Transportation.

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