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OSHA extends nomination period for federal worker advisory committee

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Washington — OSHA has pushed to Jan. 31 the deadline to submit nominations to serve on the reestablished Federal Advisory Council on Occupational Safety and Health.

According to a notice published in the Nov. 30 Federal Register, Labor Secretary Marty Walsh filed the two-year charter for FACOSH on Oct. 14, and the initial deadline to submit nominations was Nov. 22. The council advises the secretary on all matters relating to the occupational safety and health of federal employees, which includes “providing advice on how to reduce and keep to a minimum the number of injuries and illnesses in the federal workforce, and how to encourage the establishment and maintenance of effective occupational safety and health programs in each federal agency.”


Half of the 16-member council will represent federal department and agency management, and the other half will represent federal employees. Members serve staggered terms of up to three years, and the secretary may appoint some members for consecutive terms. The council will meet at least two times a year.

In its fiscal year 2019 budget request, OSHA stated that FACOSH wasn’t renewed by Executive Order 13811. According to the notice, President Joe Biden signed Executive Order 14048 continuing or reestablishing certain federal advisory committees, including FACOSH.

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