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Visit OSHA’s ‘virtual booth’ during Small Business Week

Photo: U.S. Small Business Administration

Washington — OSHA is among the Department of Labor agencies and offices that will provide resources throughout the Small Business Administration’s National Small Business Week, set for May 1-7.

The event will feature a free four-day summit that begins May 2. According to DOL, its booth for the virtual event will include information on OSHA’s On-Site Consultation Program, which offers advice on complying with the agency’s standards, as well as the OSHA/NIOSH Small Business Safety and Health Handbook.

“The handbook summarizes the benefits of an effective safety and health program, provides self-inspection checklists for employers to identify workplace hazards, and reviews key workplace safety and health resources for small businesses,” the agencies state.

An SBA press release says the summit will “feature access to critical federal resources, educational workshops, and networking to help our nation’s entrepreneurs pivot and grow in the face of any challenge.”

Registration is available online.

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