Safety Tips Construction Driving safety Injury prevention

Prevent on-the-job backover deaths

Image: Missouri Department of Transportation

From 2018 to 2021, 277 U.S. workers died after being run or backed over by a vehicle, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data cited by the Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences.

These types of on-the-job deaths often involve large vehicles, such as those used in transportation and construction.

How can employers help workers stay safe? OIOHS offers tips:

  • Assign spotters to watch out for workers near vehicles with obstructed views.
  • Ensure spotters and drivers agree on and understand signals before backing up.
  • Equip large vehicles with cameras or sound sensors to warn drivers when someone or something appears in the vehicle’s blind spots.
  • Use wheel chocks to prevent unexpected vehicle movement.
  • Set the parking brake before exiting the vehicle.
  • When exiting the vehicle, only go under or behind it when the parking brake has been applied and the vehicle is on even ground.

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