Federal agencies Trucking Transportation

FHWA grants aimed at reducing truck pollution around ports

Photo: kali9/gettyimages

Washington — The Federal Highway Safety Administration has awarded $148 million in grants in an effort to “improve air quality and reduce pollution for truck drivers, port workers and families that live in communities surrounding ports.”

Awarded to 16 organizations, the grants will assist 11 states and Puerto Rico in curbing emissions from idling trucks as well as other pollution in communities adjacent to ports. Projects include:

  • Replacing diesel trucks with zero- or low-emission electric or alternative fuel-powered trucks
  • Constructing charging infrastructure for EVs
  • Improving port roadway access
  • Studying technology enhancements to reduce emissions

In a press release, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said the grants “will save truck drivers time and money and help ports reduce congestion and emissions while making the air more breathable for workers and communities.”

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