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NOAA predicting a more active hurricane season

Photo: FrankRamspott/gettyimages

Washington — The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is forecasting above-average hurricane activity this year in the Atlantic basin, with as many as seven storms potentially becoming major hurricanes.

The NOAA forecast of an 85% chance of an “above-normal” Atlantic hurricane season includes:

  • 17 to 25 named storms (39 mph winds or higher)
  • Eight to 13 hurricanes (74 mph winds or higher)
  • Four to seven major hurricanes (111 mph winds or higher)

The Atlantic hurricane season starts June 1 and runs through Nov. 30. An average season sees 14 named storms, seven hurricanes and three major hurricanes. Near-record warm temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean, La Nina conditions in the Pacific Ocean and reduced Atlantic trade winds “tend to favor tropical storm formation,” NOAA says.

“Severe weather and emergencies can happen at any moment, which is why individuals and communities need to be prepared today,” Erik Hooks, deputy administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, said in a press release from NOAA. “Already, we are seeing storms move across the country that can bring additional hazards like tornadoes, flooding and hail. Taking a proactive approach to our increasingly challenging climate landscape today can make a difference in how people can recover tomorrow.”

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