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Vaping ‘hacks’ are a dangerous trend, researchers say

Photo: smartboy10/gettyimages

Many teens and young adults are modifying vaping devices in “unexpected and potentially dangerous ways,” Yale University researchers caution.

The researchers asked more than 1,000 e-cigarette users between the ages of 14 and 29 if they’ve “hacked” their devices in ways not intended by the manufacturers. Modifications include using cannabis in devices designed for nicotine use, combining cannabis and nicotine, and refilling cartridges or pods not intended to be refilled.

Among the findings: Roughly 40% of the respondents refilled devices not intended to be refilled, and nearly 36% recharged disposable batteries.

The researchers also asked the respondents where they learned about these modifications (friends, social media, internet, vape shops, etc.).

“These modifications may expose youth and young adults to additional harm through increased risk of burns from e-cigarette explosion, lung injury due to contaminants added and covert use of marijuana,” the American Academy of Pediatrics says. “Friends (64%) and social media (47%) were the top sources of information. Modifications can also violate laws. For example, banned e-cigarette flavors can be ‘hacked’ into devices to bypass flavor restrictions.”

The researchers recommend that lawmakers consider e-cigarette “hacking” when passing laws and regulations on e-cigarettes.

The study was published online in the journal Pediatrics.

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