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NSC honors Jasmine Omar with Marion Martin Award


Orlando, FL — Jasmine Omar is the 2024 recipient of the Marion Martin Award, presented annually by the National Safety Council.

Omar, global director of worldwide ergonomics and safety experience, Amazon Workplace Health and Safety, Amazon, was honored Monday during the Opening Session of the 2024 NSC Safety Congress & Expo

In six years at Amazon, Omar has progressed from individual contributor to leading a team of 200-plus professionals. Among her accomplishments: She established the company’s first safety learning and development team, created an internal safety engagement team, and launched Amazon’s safety observation program.

During her tenure with the company, Amazon has experienced a 60% reduction in its lost-time incident rate and a 30% reduction in its recordable incident rate from 2019 to 2023.

Additionally, Omar is the executive sponsor for Amazon’s Women in EHS (WinEHS) affinity group, which has expanded to 2,500 members. As an executive sponsor, she hosts fireside chats and shares her expertise on skills development, mentoring and work-life balance.

“NSC is proud to celebrate women who are committed to safety and inclusion through its Marion Martin Award,” NSC President and CEO Lorraine M. Martin said. “Jasmine has helped promote over 30 women during her time at Amazon, mentoring young women who aspire to enter the EHS field. It is with great pleasure we present her with this award.”

NSC established the Marion Martin Award in 2016 to honor women who have achieved safety excellence and encourage other women to pursue safety careers.

The late Marion Martin, a government official in Maine for more than 40 years, was the state’s commissioner of labor and industry from 1947 to 1972. She was also the first woman honored with NSC’s Distinguished Service to Safety Award in 1971.

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