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OTC teething products may cause health problems for children, the FDA warns


Photo: Science Photo Library - RUTH JENKINSON/gettyimages

Some popular remedies for teething infants may lead to serious health concerns and should be avoided, the Food and Drug Administration is cautioning.

The FDA warns that over-the-counter products containing benzocaine can trigger a condition called methemoglobinemia, which significantly reduces the amount of oxygen carried through the bloodstream.

Parents and caregivers should also avoid products with lidocaine, which may contribute to heart problems, severe brain injury, seizures and, in extreme cases, death. Also steer clear of homeopathic teething tablets, which have been linked to other serious health risks to infants and children.

So, how can you help soothe your baby’s teething pain safely? The FDA advises gently rubbing or massaging the child’s gums with your finger or use a firm, unfrozen teething ring made of rubber.

“If the object is too hard, it can hurt the child’s gums,” the FDA says on its website, which includes a short video. “Be sure to supervise children so they don’t accidentally choke on the teething ring.”

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