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New and updated: EPA resources on bilingual pesticide labeling

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Washington — The Pesticide Registration Improvement Act of 2022 requires pesticide manufacturers to translate safety and health information on product labels into Spanish. New and updated resources from the Environmental Protection Agency are intended to help.

Under the act, labels for restricted-use pesticide products and agricultural-use products with the highest toxicity must be translated by Dec. 29, 2025. All other labels are required to be translated by Dec. 29, 2030.

EPA’s resources include Spanish translation guides and information on compliance deadlines and exceptions.

“Spanish is the primary language for most American farmworkers,” EPA says. “This effort advances environmental justice by making health and safety information on pesticide labels more accessible, fostering better understanding and compliance with label instructions.”

The PRIA also requires EPA to notify registrants within 10 days of updating the Spanish Translation Guide.

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