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Hearing Conservation: Hear from the Experts in Tablet-Based Hearing Testing


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10/10/24 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm CDT

Event Description

Looking to simplify your hearing conservation program? Performing occupational hearing testing in-house using a tablet-based audiometer optimized for use outside of a sound booth can greatly improve the experience for you and your employees. During this webinar, we’ll cover:

  • The advantages of tablet-based audiometry and testing in more environments
  • Which features to look for in your tablet-based hearing testing solution
  • Tips to ensure your hearing conservation program is OSHA compliant
  • How to navigate audiological reviews and improve data management
  • Other important factors to consider when making a switch to in-house hearing testing; tablet-based hearing testing isn’t just about choosing the right product, it’s also about choosing the right partner


Renée Lefrancois Renée Lefrancois, M.Sc.(A), Reg. CASLPO, CAOHC PS/A , Director of Audiology, SHOEBOX Ltd.

Renée has been practicing audiology since 1999 and has been with SHOEBOX Ltd. since 2014. After 15 years of working with cochlear implants, she eagerly took on a new challenge of diving into diagnostics and hearing conservation for her current role as director of audiology. Renée leads the internal clinical team at SHOEBOX and the SHOEBOX External Audiology Network, which provides state-licensed review and professional supervision services in the United States and Canada. She lives in Ottawa, Ontario, and when not working, she enjoys all things outdoors.


Barry BottinoBarry Bottino, Associate Editor, Safety+Health magazine.

Barry is associate editor of Safety+Health and serves as co-host of the magazine’s “On the Safe Side” podcast.