Items Tagged with 'Bureau of Labor Statistics'



The Best-Kept Secret in Custom Safety Supplies

You likely don’t think of “safety” when you think of Amazon Business. Although most people know that the smart business buying solution provides a vast selection of sharply priced work and office supplies, many are surprised to learn that it also carries personal protective equipment and safety supplies from trusted brands such as 3M, Honeywell and MSA, as well as a large selection of Zappos at Work safety footwear.
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BLS: On-the-job deaths at lowest level in seven years

Washington — A total of 4,764 workers died as a result of on-the-job injuries in 2020 – a 10.7% decrease from the year before and the lowest number of fatalities since 4,585 were recorded in 2013, according to Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries data released Dec. 16 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
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