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Washington – OSHA failed to follow federal rulemaking requirements when it used a memorandum to announce a revised definition of retail facilities exempt from the Process Safety Management Standard, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has ruled.
In June, President Barack Obama signed into law sweeping chemical safety reforms. The amended Toxic Substances Control Act now lists workers as an at-risk group. “That’s a big add,” one attorney told Safety+Health.
Washington – OSHA is seeking public comment on three chemical facility safety guidance documents regarding the agency’s Process Safety Management Standard.
Arlington, VA – An advisory committee has concluded that the Environmental Protection Agency’s draft document on health risks involving the chemical 1-Bromopropane is “a good risk assessment document” overall but could be improved.
Washington – Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez faced sharp scrutiny during a recent Senate subcommittee hearing over accusations that OSHA ignored “congressional intent” regarding the agency’s enforcement policy for retail establishments under the Process Safety Management Standard.
Washington – Since 2000, 17 deaths – including three cases involving children – have occurred due to ingestion of the herbicide paraquat, and the Environmental Protection Agency is proposing measures aimed at protecting workers and preventing poisonings.
Washington – OSHA has extended, to May 2, the deadline to submit comments on the agency’s draft document on using the “weight of evidence” approach to classifying hazardous chemicals.