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Alexandria, VA — Complacency and lapses in compliance with international standards, regulations and standard operating procedures are among the safety concerns facing the aviation industry, a new report from the Flight Safety Foundation says.
Do you like to imbibe in a little alcohol on your flight, and then settle in for a nap? German researchers are warning that the combination may be harmful for your heart – especially during long flights.
Washington — New commercial passenger aircraft must have a secondary flight deck barrier to protect the cockpit from “unauthorized intrusion” under a Federal Aviation Administration final rule announced June 14.
Washington — A bipartisan bill reintroduced in both chambers of Congress is intended to make the air safer to breathe for crews and passengers on commercial aircraft.
Washington — Citing a growing trend of people pointing lasers at airplanes, the Federal Aviation Administration is calling for product labels warning consumers that the safety of flight crews and passengers is being put at risk.
Washington — A final rule from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration will regulate the transport of lithium-ion batteries shipped by air.
Washington — A final rule from the Federal Aviation Administration will require airlines to provide flight attendants with at least 10 hours of rest time between days they’re on duty.
Washington — People who’ve been convicted of assaulting airline employees would be prohibited from boarding commercial aircraft, under bipartisan legislation introduced April 6 in the House and Senate.
Washington — A new video from the Federal Aviation Administration highlights best practices for airport operators, air traffic controllers and pilots to follow to ensure safe operations amid snowy and icy conditions.