

Officer worker ergonomics
Office worker ergonomics

Office worker ergonomics

Safety+Health shares – in pictures – how the National Safety Council conducts ergonomics assessments of workers’ desks and chairs to help prevent MSDs.
Safety+Health shares – in pictures – how the National Safety Council conducts ergonomics assessments of workers’ desks and chairs to help prevent MSDs.
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Ergonomic disorders affect the soft tissues, specifically the muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, joints, cartilage, blood vessels and spinal discs. These issues can result from job tasks such as working on an assembly line, using heavy equipment or typing on a computer.
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Stand up against ergo injuries

Equipment such as adjustable chairs and ergonomic mouse pads can help prevent strain among workers sitting at a desk. But workers required to stand for long periods of time are subject to strain injuries that cannot be prevented with such equipment.
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Carpet layers: Take it easy on the knees

Carpet layers spend approximately 75 percent of their workday kneeling, according to NIOSH estimates, putting a significant amount of pressure on their knees. Compared with workers who rarely kneel, NIOSH found that carpet layers have high frequencies of bursitis of the knee – fluid buildup requiring knee aspirations, skin infections of the knee and a variety of other knee disorders.
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