Holiday safety

Browse articles and tips about holiday safety.



Hand out some Halloween safety

Few things get kids more excited than Halloween, and what’s not to love? Between the costumes and the candy, Halloween is a time for fun. But both kids and parents need to keep safety in mind.
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Up in the attic, down in the basement

Keep an eye out for hazards in your home’s less-visited areas
They’re parts of the house not visited as often as your kitchen or living room, and they contain hazards ranging from the electrical to the zoological. Family Safety & Health looks at some of the more significant dangers to watch out for.
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Not your ordinary ice

If you’ve ever ordered or received a gift of meat, ice cream or other perishable food from an online company, it may have been shipped with dry ice.
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Safe selfies

Tips for staying injury-free
A cool self-portrait can get a lot of likes on social media. Taking one in an uncommon or unusual location, though, has played a part in an increase of serious injuries – and deaths.
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Keep babies safe in hotels

Planning a family trip over spring break that involves staying overnight at a hotel? If you’ve got a baby, follow these tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics to keep your young ones safe in hotel rooms.
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