Older adults



Don’t avoid emergency care

Worried about COVID-19? Experts say ER staff know how to keep you safe
It appears many people are hesitant to seek emergency medical care out of fear of contracting the coronavirus. Statistics show that, over a four-week period during the early days of the pandemic, the number of ER visits was 42% lower than during the same period in 2019.
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golf cart

Study finds golf cart-related injuries are common

Columbus, OH — Golf cart users, be “FORE!”-warned: The zippy means of transportation – no longer limited to golf courses – carries “considerable risk of injury and morbidity” to drivers and passengers of all ages, especially kids and older adults, say researchers from the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.
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It’s cold outside!

Take steps to prevent hypothermia
Know the symptoms, treatments and precautionary measures associated with hypothermia, a cold-related health issue that occurs when a person’s body temperature falls below 95° F.
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