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Donald Trump

OSHA under Trump: A closer look

Legal experts are predicting significant changes for worker safety regulation under the new administration
Labor-law experts are predicting significant changes for worker safety regulation – including a stronger focus on compliance assistance – under the Trump administration.
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paid sick leave

Paid sick leave

Supporters say paid time off can prevent the spread of illness – and reduce on-the-job injuries
Supporters of sick leave policies say they help prevent the spread of disease and on-the-job injuries. Critics claim they are burdensome and costly to employers.
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Job hazard analysis

Job Hazard Analysis/Job Safety Analysis

Procedure goes by various names but reaps many benefits, proponents say
Some call it a Job Safety Analysis. Others call it a Job Hazard Analysis, a Task Hazard Analysis or something else. Regardless of how you label it, the process of breaking down a task into steps, identifying the hazards, and determining how to mitigate those hazards remains crucial to preventing incidents and injuries.
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honeywell aerospace

Robert W. Campbell Award

Honeywell Aerospace keeps focus on safety
Honeywell Aerospace is the most recent recipient of the Robert W. Campbell Award, presented annually by the Campbell Institute at the National Safety Council. Learn what sets Honeywell Aerospace apart as a safety leader.
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job stress

Stress and worker safety

What can safety pros do to address the issue?
Is job stress an occupational safety and health issue? Some experts say “yes,” and that safety pros can play an important role in helping workers cope.
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