Chemical safety



Steps to boost truck cab safety

Aside from being the control center of the vehicle, a truck cab serves as an office for paperwork and phone calls, a break area to rest and eat, a shelter from inclement weather and extreme temperatures, and a storage area for supplies and equipment. As wide-ranging as this multifunctional space is, even more so are the hazards that can be inside and around the cab, cautions
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Stay cautious when working with mercury

Metallic mercury is a liquid at room temperature and can readily evaporate into the air. It’s also a potent neurotoxin that, in small amounts, can cause serious health problems, according to the California Department of Public Health.
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Recognize the hazards of formaldehyde

Widely known as a preservative in morgues, formaldehyde – a colorless, strong-smelling gas – can be found in chemicals, plywood and various household items, including glue and paper product coatings, according to OSHA. It’s also used as an industrial fungicide, germicide and disinfectant.
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ammonia tank

First aid for ammonia exposure

Working with ammonia requires caution. The flammable, colorless gas has the potential to explode if heated, warns the Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety. It’s also extremely toxic.
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