FDA warns consumers about risks of decorative contact lenses
Silver Spring, MD – Decorative contact lenses can cause serious eye damage if they are not fitted by a doctor, according to a report from the Food and Drug Administration.
FDA released a fact sheet in June warning consumers – especially teens and young adults – about the dangers of decorative contact lenses and offering tips on how to wear them. One of the greatest risks is the possibility of infection that could lead to blindness.
In addition, a joint campaign by FDA, the American Optometric Association and the Entertainment Industries Council has produced two public service videos to address the issue with young people, who wear the lenses to dress up, especially for Halloween.
One video, which first screened at AOA’s annual conference in June, shows clips from the TV show “American Horror Story” and interviews with professional makeup artists and optometrists. They stress that before wearing the lenses, a person should get an eye exam and a valid contact lens prescription and buy decorative contact lenses from a reputable source.