Safety Tips Heat stress Video

Responding to heat stroke, heat exhaustion

Photo: dgdimension/iStockphoto

Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are the two most dangerous heat-related illnesses, according to OSHA.

The body cools itself naturally by sweating, but when heat and humidity are high, sweating may not be sufficient. This is when problems occur.

From the "First Aid" course offered by the National Safety Council. Learn more about NSC first aid and CPR training – including online and classroom training for learners, and courses and materials for instructors. © 2015 National Safety Council

Body temperature can rise to dangerous levels, OSHA states, if actions such as drinking water or resting in a shaded area or an air-conditioned room aren’t taken to cool down. Employees at risk for heat-related illnesses include outdoor workers (although certain indoor jobs can be hot enough to result in a heat-related illness), workers performing heavy tasks and workers wearing bulky protective equipment.

Heat exhaustion occurs when a body responds to loss of water and salt due to excessive sweating. Symptoms include headache, nausea, dizziness, weakness, irritability and thirst. If you believe a co-worker is experiencing heat exhaustion, have the person lie down in a cool, shaded area and provide plenty of water to drink. You also can cool the worker with ice packs or cold compresses.

Take the worker to the emergency room if symptoms don’t improve – or worsen – within an hour.

Heat stroke occurs when the body can’t regulate its core temperature and stops sweating, leaving it unable to rid itself of excess heat. It can lead to death, so heat stroke should be considered a medical emergency. Signs of heat stroke include fainting, confusion, seizures, hot and dry skin, and a high body temperature. Call 911 if you suspect heat stroke.

While waiting for emergency medical responders, OSHA recommends the following actions:

  • Ensure the affected worker is in a cool and shaded area.
  • Give the worker water as soon as possible.
  • Loosen his or her clothing and remove outer clothing.
  • Fan air on the worker and place cold packs in his or her armpits.
  • Place cool water, ice packs, cool compresses or ice on the worker.
  • Stay with the worker until help arrives.

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Tom Zawacki
August 30, 2016
I am a licensed EMT and was taught to never administer anything by mouth to a heat stroke patient. The high body temp can cause the brain to malfunction leading an altered level of consciousness which may cause a patient to loose or impair their gag reflex and this could cause them to choke on any oral administration. Plus the intestines tend to slow down or stop working and anything that was given by mouth will come back up and could lead to chocking as well. A patient can progress very rapidly from minor metal impairment to severe in minutes depending upon the circumstances. Best to not give anything by mouth to a heat stroke patient. Thank You.


om prakash sah
December 30, 2016
Better tips for hse new persons, who work in heat area.