COVID-19 pandemic: DOL requests feedback on safely reopening workplaces
Washington — The Department of Labor is asking for stakeholder comment on strategies for safely resuming traditional work after the COVID-19 pandemic begins to wane, as well as challenges organizations may face during the process.
DOL’s Opening America’s Workplaces Again initiative calls on interested employers, workers, labor unions, local authorities and advocacy groups to submit ideas concerning the following topics:
- Reopening businesses
- Commuting safely
- Working safely
- Accommodating members of vulnerable populations
- Supporting families
- Reducing regulatory burdens
As part of the effort, ePolicyWorks – a network of online dialogue communities sponsored by DOL’s Office of Disability Employment Policy – on May 1 hosted a Twitter chat featuring responses from a select panel. Members of the public also were able to respond.
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Addressing a question on how workers and customers can be kept safe, panelist Amber Clayton, director of the Society for Human Resource Management’s HR Knowledge Center, suggested employers need guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and OSHA regarding temperature checking and other possible COVID-19-related testing.
Other insight from the chat, which featured thoughts from Kristina Weger, senior associate director at the American Nurses Association, can be found by searching the Twitter hashtag #EPWChat.
The deadline to comment is May 7.
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