Advisory committees Construction Construction

Scalia renews charter for OSHA construction advisory committee

Photo: kali9/iStockphoto

Washington — Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia has renewed the two-year charter for the OSHA Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health, according to a notice published in the Nov. 6 Federal Register.

ACCSH advises the Department of Labor and OSHA on upcoming standards affecting the construction industry and “the administration of safety and health provisions” in the Construction Safety Act of 1969.

All but one of the committee’s 15 members’ terms expire May 13, OSHA states. Five members represent construction employers and five represent employees. The other third of the committee breaks down as follows:

  • Two members from state safety and health agencies
  • Two public members “qualified by knowledge and experience to make a useful contribution to the work of ACCSH”
  • One representative selected by the secretary of health and human services

ACCSH met virtually and via teleconference July 1 and approved motions calling for OSHA to update the powered industrial trucks standard for construction (1910.178) and the Hazard Communication Standard (1910.1200), among other actions.

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