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March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month


Photo: kali9/iStockphoto

Chicago — No matter where work gets done, “protecting vision should always be a priority,” advocacy group Prevent Blindness is reminding employers.

Workplace Eye Wellness Month is observed every March. Citing data from the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Prevent Blindness claims 90% of the thousands of work-related eye injuries sustained each year could be prevented if workers wore proper eye protection.

The group offers resources – including fact sheets, infographics and a PowerPoint presentation – for employers. 

Common causes of eye injuries include flying objects (including bits of metal and glass), tools, particles and chemicals. Personal Protective and Lifesaving Equipment – Eye and Face Protection (1926.102) ranked ninth on OSHA’s list of the most frequently cited worker safety and health standards in fiscal year 2022. The top section cited within the standard, 1926.102(a)(1), states: “The employer shall ensure each affected employee uses appropriate eye or face protection when exposed to eye or face hazards.” 

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Prevent Blindness also cautions workers who routinely use computers, tablets and smartphones about the risks of eyestrain.

“Maintaining healthy vision is a critical part of maintaining overall good health for working adults,” Prevent Blindness President and CEO Jeff Todd said in a press release. “We strongly urge everyone to talk to their eye doctor about the best ways to keep eyes healthy at their jobs today and for years to come.”

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