Federal agencies Legislation

House members seek deep budget cuts for OSHA and other safety agencies


Photo: House Appropriations Committee

Washington — A House appropriations subcommittee has approved a bill that would cut the budgets of OSHA, NIOSH, and the Mine Safety and Health Administration.

The bill proposes that OSHA receive about $536.9 million for fiscal year 2024 (a 15.1% cut), which begins Oct. 1. In its annual budget proposal released March 9, the Biden administration is seeking $738.7 for the agency – an increase of more than $106.3 million from FY 2023.

For MSHA, the House bill would allocate around $325 million – a decrease of nearly $63 million, or about 16.2%. The White House is proposing $437.8 million for the agency.

For NIOSH, the bill would allocate $247.7 million – a 31.8% cut from FY 2023. The White House is seeking to leave the agency’s budget steady at $363 million.

Advanced via a voice vote on July 14 by the Labor, Health and Human Service, Education and Related Agencies Subcommittee, the bill now goes before a full appropriations committee for markup. No date has been announced for the markup.

The Senate has yet to weigh in with its appropriations bill. If the two bills differ – as expected – both chambers will need to reconcile those differences via conference committee, or Congress may resort to continuing resolutions to avoid a government shutdown.

“This bill represents a clear first step toward returning to fiscal responsibility, while ensuring funding for critical and high-priority functions are maintained,” Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-AL), chair of the subcommittee, said during the July 14 markup. “I know there will be many disagreements in this room about the direction this bill is taking, both on spending proposals and policy matters.

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“I understand that, but I hope those watching today will remember that although we may disagree on specific ways to achieve policy goals, we are all Americans, and we all want what is best for our country and for our people, and I think that’s what we must keep in mind at the end of the day.”

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), ranking member of the subcommittee, said the bill is “shameful – but based on where the majority has taken this entire process, sadly, it is not surprising.

“By working together through this process last Congress, we proudly supported middle-class and working families, helped lift up vulnerable Americans, and prepared our nation for future crises, which makes it all the more disappointing to see where we have ended up in this year’s process.”

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Roland Masterson
July 19, 2023
I work in the safety field. I personal feel that by cutting the budget for OSHA or any safety area is like taking a short cut around safety. In my opinion this will cause more harm than good. To me it sends a message to employers that the federal government does not care about the work force and since you are cutting the budget they can cut comers too which will lead to more people getting hurt or killed on the job.


July 27, 2023
"Safety First" it requires buy in by all individuals and yes it comes with a price but regardless of what a special committee ends the day with safety takes practice and practice makes perfect and it goes hand in hand with education and commitment from our political representatives, employers the employees. So, you see, money is not always the answer not even in a fine. Commitment is the answer by all of the above.


Bill Benham
July 28, 2023
This is not a time to cut spending on occupational safety and health. 5,190 workers died at work in 2021, and increase of 8.9% from 2020. This is not fair to all those workers and their families. We should be investing in our workers as we continue to build our nation, and rebuild our infrastructure. It doesn't show well for our society when we don't value human life.