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OSHA issues a ‘hazard huddle’ challenge

Photo: OSHA

Washington — OSHA has launched a challenge aimed at boosting worker participation in implementing hazard controls and job hazard analyses.

Part of the annual Safe+Sound campaign promoted by OSHA, NIOSH, the National Safety Council and other safety organizations, the Hazard Huddle Challenge encourages managers to have discussions with workers about workplace safety hazards. 

Assemble workers with “varied experience levels and roles,” OSHA says, to ensure an expanded range of expertise.

Discussion questions may include:

  • Where have you or your co-workers had “close calls” that could have caused an injury? What happened?
  • How have you been hurt or injured on the job? What happened?
  • Describe a worst-case scenario for an injury on the job. Where and how might this happen?
  • Are there jobs workers perform that don’t align with organizational operating procedures?
  • What jobs typically are assigned to newer and less experienced staff? How could they get hurt performing those tasks?

OSHA calls on managers to listen and take notes during these meetings to determine where to conduct job hazard analyses. Managers preparing to implement hazard controls are reminded to consult workers whose jobs may be affected before doing so.

The agency asks participants to highlight their actions and progress on social media using the hashtag #SafeAndSoundAtWork. A virtual challenge coin is available for download for individuals who complete the challenge.

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Darin Perkins
February 26, 2024
I'm all for the Hazard Huddle and crew discussions surrounding safety, but a virtual challenge coin? Seriously? Is there anyone out there that is going to get excited about "winning," downloading and sharing that? Ridiculous.


Chuck I
April 1, 2024
I think this is a great way for everyone to get on the same page in regard to safety. However, I feel we may run into the same hurdles we have before as far as participation goes. As with the person, the feedback we receive is going to be situational. Some employees will go into depth as to what the real problems are, and some are going to be as vague as possible in fear of consequences. It is important to have a strong organizational culture viewed towards safety to get the most out of a project like this. There must be a strong line of communication and trust amongst management and worker. This is a great concept but I truly feel we will run into the same problems we have prior to trying something new. It absolutely has the potential to be a step in the right direction though.