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Having a stressful moment at home? Do this quick thing

Photo: Westend61/gettyimages

Looking for a simple way to calm anxiety or defuse stress? Step outside your home for a few minutes, researchers say.

A market research company recently surveyed 2,000 Americans whose home or living space includes a yard, patio or porch. Almost all respondents (94%) agreed that stepping away from stressful or anxious moments and going outside relaxes them. On average, nine minutes of fresh air in an outdoor environment helped them calm down and unwind when stressed.

Other findings:

  • People who include outdoor time in their daily routines reported lower stress levels (four on a scale of 1-10) compared with those who don’t (five).
  • According to the respondents, the best ways to reduce stress and anxiety are breathing fresh air (54%), going for a walk (53%), cleaning/organizing (34%) and texting/calling a friend (33%).

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