Articles by Melissa J. Ruminski

Editor's Note: Safety on the line

When power lines go down after storms, we wait impatiently for electricity to be restored – often without much thought for the men and women out in the bucket trucks, braving the elements when almost everyone else is being told to stay home. They deserve far more recognition than they receive.
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Editor's Note: Happy December

When I sat down to write this Editor’s Note, files for the December issue of Safety+Health were being completed and prepped for printing. As I looked over and signed off on final pages, I re-read Richard Hawk’s “All About You” column on being grateful. The theme hit home because the S+H team experienced some moments this month in which I wondered whether the print version of the December issue would be published at all.

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Editor's Note: Is it fair?

The Safety+Health editorial staff is fortunate to work only steps away from the National Safety Council Library and its helpful staff. In addition to a large collection of current materials, the library houses much of the council’s history, and the librarians occasionally share with me NSC documents they believe I’ll find interesting or entertaining.

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