Tracy Haas Depa

Former assistant editor


Trends in ... hand protection

‘Safety doesn’t require a productivity tradeoff’
Because hand injuries are so prevalent among U.S. workers – 118,170 private-sector injuries in 2011, according to the 2014 edition of the National Safety Council’s “Injury Facts” – glove manufacturers are working to develop products aimed at reducing those numbers.
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Trends in ... eye protection

Don't be a statistic
In 2011, 5,170 eye injuries involving cases with days away from work occurred in the manufacturing industry, according to the 2014 edition of the National Safety Council’s “Injury Facts.”
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Trends in ... protective clothing

‘Last line of defense’
Protective clothing is available for many different functions – from helping a construction worker be more visible at night to shielding a utility worker from a serious arc flash injury.
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Trends in ... safety tools/knives

Know the facts and stay focused

For some workers, safety tools and knives are indispensible items. Experts from companies that manufacture these products spoke with Safety+Health via email about current trends in their respective markets, as well as some important things product purchasers and users should know.

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Trends in ... fall protection

‘Personal inspection is vital’
In 2010, falls to a lower level ranked second – behind highway crashes – in number of workplace fatalities, according to the 2013 edition of the National Safety Council’s “Injury Facts.”
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Trends in ... head and face protection

‘A sense of shared accountability’
Head and face protection cover critical areas of the body. To ensure workers wear personal protective equipment, the products should be comfortable, functional and able to be worn throughout the day, according to Aubrey Collier, product manager, industrial head and face protection, for Cynthiana, KY-based Bullard.
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