Tracy Haas Depa

Former assistant editor


Trends in ... instruments and monitors

Experts discuss what’s new; avoiding misuse
Whether detecting gas levels, gas leaks or noise levels – or alerting other workers about a possible man-down situation – instruments and monitors are vital safety devices for workers in a number of industries, including construction, manufacturing and utilities. Here, industry insiders describe what’s new in this field and what workers and supervisors need to know about these devices.
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Trends in ... hearing protection

Workers: Don’t limit your ability to hear
Approximately 22 million workers are exposed to potentially damaging noise on the job every year, according to OSHA. Damaging noise can result in noise-induced hearing loss – something that OSHA notes “limits your ability to hear high-frequency sounds and understand speech, which seriously impairs your ability to communicate.”
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Trends in ... respiratory protection

‘Strive for maximum safety’
An estimated 5 million workers are required to wear respirators in 1.3 million U.S. workplaces every year, in an effort to protect against “insufficient oxygen environments, harmful dusts, fogs, smokes, mists, gases, vapors, and sprays,” OSHA states.
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Trends in ... eye protection

Getting it right
Workplace-related eye injuries often are caused by one of two things: Workers aren’t wearing eye protection at the time of the incident, or they’re wearing the wrong kind of protection for the task at hand, according to the American Optometric Association.
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Trends in ... protective clothing

‘Proper selection can be the difference between injury and survivability’

After Safety+Health reached out to experts in the protective clothing industry, two things became clear: Protective clothing manufacturers are always striving to improve worker safety, and comfort is king.

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Trends in ... fall protection

Getting it right

Falls are a common cause of serious work-related injuries and deaths. Employers whose workers are exposed to fall hazards are responsible for ensuring not only that those workers have appropriate fall protection, but also that they’re trained on how to use it. Here, fall protection industry insiders describe what’s new in the field and why it’s important to remember that fall protection can be more intricate than meets the eye.

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