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Understanding and Managing Workplace Exposure Limits


11/7/12 12:00 pm to 1:00 am CDT

Event Description

PEL, STEL, TWA, OSHA, NIOSH and ACGIH are all common terms used in conjunction with workplace exposure limits, but you might be asking yourself, “what do they all mean and how do they apply to me?”

This Nov. 7 webinar explored the meaning and scope of workplace exposure limit recommendations and how gas monitoring data can be used to manage compliance with them.


Dave Wagner, Director of Product Knowledge, Industrial Scientific

Wagner is a unique source of gas detection information, excelling at simplifying the technical topics related to gas detection. He has more than 20 years’ experience in the development and application of portable gas monitoring instruments and systems. He is the author of “Ask Dave,” an interactive blog dedicated to providing information about gas detection including what’s new, latest trends and best practices related to the use of portable gas monitors.