Items Tagged with 'Government Accountability Office'



FMCSA, ATA divided over report on hours-of-service research

Washington – The American Trucking Associations is taking issue with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s interpretation of a new Government Accountability Office report on FMCSA’s research into the federal hours-of-service rule for commercial motor vehicle drivers.
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Changes to federal worker disability program under debate

Washington – The Department of Labor claims proposed changes to its Federal Employees’ Compensation Act program would create a more equitable system, but some experts at a July 10 House hearing warned that the changes could drastically affect injured federal workers.
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GAO: Staffing shortfalls plague state-run OSHA programs

Washington – State-run OSHA programs face staffing challenges in part because of budget cuts, and federal OSHA should provide better access to training and deadlines for taking over troubled state programs, concludes a new report from the Government Accountability Office.
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