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June 2022 Safety+Health

June 2022

Volume: 205
Edition: 6

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New to the job

A larger number of inexperienced workers can create challenges for safety pros
As employers struggle to fill open positions, many are turning to inexperienced workers. This presents an added challenge for safety professionals: a larger number of workers who aren’t familiar with the risks and hazards related to their new role.
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When customers get hostile

Help workers stay safe
Pre-COVID-19 pandemic work life may not return as quickly for employees in customer-facing industries. As some experts see it, the immediate future for workers in grocery, retail, hospitality and similar sectors still includes the risk of stress and anxiety stemming from interactions with angry or aggressive customers.
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This month's Product Focus: Hand protection and Slips, trips and falls/spills
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Forklifts: Safe Operation and Training

Forklifts: Safe Operation and Training

Download the white paper
This newly updated white paper includes valuable safety and compliance tips from J. J. Keller experts on important forklift topics such as equipment design, modifications/additions, operator training and more.
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Red Wing white paper

Check workplace foot safety off your list

Download the checklist
A new foot safety hazards checklist from Red Wing covers specific sources of foot injuries – with some more obvious than others. From slippery floors and automatic closing doors to uneven surfaces and puncture hazards, the list takes a proactive approach to avoiding foot-related injuries and keeping your business running safely.
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On the Safe Side

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Each month, the Safety+Health editorial team publishes a podcast to discuss important safety topics, and interviews leading voices in the profession.