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Washington — Some drugs used to treat cancer and other conditions can be hazardous to workers who are exposed to them. NIOSH recently updated its tool intended to help health care workers and employers identify which routinely handled drugs are considered hazardous.
Morgantown, WV — What role might artificial intelligence play in occupational medicine? Two researchers from West Virginia University recently explored this question.
Washington — OSHA has terminated its rulemaking on COVID-19 exposure in health care settings to “focus its resources on the completion of an infectious diseases rulemaking.”
Washington — OSHA’s proposed rule on infectious diseases in “health care and other high-risk environments” has been submitted to the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs for final review.
Boston — Intended to give small health care employers an “easy-to-use format” for a written exposure control plan, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health has published sample written plans for a respiratory protection program and bloodborne pathogen exposure control.
Washington — NIOSH is encouraging health care industry employers to craft mental health-related communications in a way that helps reduce the stigma around seeking support.
Philadelphia — Automated text message reminders about a digital mental health platform helped decrease the symptoms of depression and anxiety among health care workers in a recent study from the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine.
Washington — NIOSH is seeking respirator manufacturers and other participants for a new project aimed at determining how well the devices protect workers who have facial hair when beard bands are used.
Pittsburgh — Respiratory Protection Week, intended to promote proper respiratory protection practices via the sharing of related research findings and educational tools, is set for Sept. 3-6.