Federal agencies



FMCSA reveals study plan for restart rule

Washington – The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has published details about an upcoming study into whether a 34-hour restart rule for commercial motor vehicle drivers improves safety for truckers and commuters.
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Voluntary Protection Program

Perez: VPP and SHARP are important

Washington – Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez voiced his support for OSHA cooperative programs, as well as the need to increase the agency’s penalty limits, during a March 18 House hearing on the Department of Labor’s budget request for fiscal year 2016.
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Miner --- Oct2013

Mine safety has improved, but concerns remain, MSHA’s Main says

Baltimore – Chronic violators have declined and industry compliance has improved in the mining industry in the past five years, but a recent increase in fatalities at metal/non-metal mines is a concern, Mine Safety and Health Administration chief Joseph A. Main told audience members March 16 at the annual convention of the National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association.
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EPA to study corrosive dust standard

Washington – Spurred by post-9/11 illnesses suffered by first responders, the Environmental Protection Agency will examine its corrosive dust standard to determine whether it provides adequate protection for workers and the public.
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