Federal agencies


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OSHA’s Top 10

The most frequently cited standards for fiscal year 2023
We've got expanded coverage of OSHA's most cited standards for fiscal year 2023. Check out the Top 5 sections for each standard, the Top 10 "Serious" and "Willful" violations, the largest employer fines, a quiz on the industries that had the most citations, and a Q&A with OSHA's Eric Harbin.
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Editor’s Note: Repeat occurrences

In this issue, we present expanded coverage of OSHA’s “Top 10” most cited standards for fiscal year 2023. In addition to the overall Top 10, you’ll find lists for willful and serious violations, OSHA regions and – new for us – a list of which industries have the most citations.
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EPA aims to amend Safer Choice Standard

Washington — The Environmental Protection Agency is seeking comment on proposed updates to a standard outlining the criteria products must meet to receive a label indicating they’re made from safer chemical ingredients.
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