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Melbourne, Australia — Shift work and long hours can significantly raise the risk of preterm birth for pregnant workers, according to the results of a recent study.
Buffalo, NY — What do workers do to recover when their boss or manager engages in “nonphysical aggression such as humiliating or threatening subordinates, or taking credit for their work”? A pair of researchers recently set out to answer that question.
Geneva, Switzerland — Workers exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays account for nearly a third of all non-melanoma skin cancer deaths, according to the results of a recent study.
Itasca, IL — The Journal of Safety Research is offering free access – through February – to a special issue featuring select papers from the National Occupational Injury Research Symposium.
Austin, TX — Multiple safety-related issues are spotlighted in the American Transportation Research Institute’s annual list of top trucking industry concerns.
New York — Registered nurses, health technicians and health care support workers face an elevated risk of suicide compared with workers in non-health care fields, results of a recent study indicate.
Wigston, England — A recent survey of workers with neurodiverse conditions – including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism and dyslexia – shows that 7 out of 10 haven’t told their employer about it.